Archive for May, 2023


May 23, 2023

People ask what I’ll do if I retire.

I always wonder, “Is work all there is for you?”

Once I retire, I am free to go!

Go where the wind blows,

Go where only God knows,

Go to Wisconsin and swim in the lakes,

Go to Pittsburgh and walk the hills,

Go to Raleigh and watch soccer games,

Go to Georgia and see my oldest child jump from a plane!

Free to go where the wind blows,

Free for what only God knows,

but I will be busy, that’s for sure!

Busy seeing grandkids numbering 8,

Busy seeing places I’ve never been,

Busy researching worlds of the past,

our genealogy and DNA,

busy sleeping ’till I want to awake,

taking a nap any time of the day,

Cleaning my house better than before,

having friends over all the more,

Let’s sit by the fire and reminisce,

Watch for the deer and possums to appear,

There’s still plenty of “work” to be done,

friends to have over, battles to be won,

Retiring means the time is yours,

you fill it with things important to you,

you have even MORE wonderful things to do!