Archive for October, 2016

South Carolina Hurricane haiku’s

October 8, 2016

The wind never stops,
It blows like a fan on high
With no off button.


South Carolina–

Cockroach strolls across the floor

to escape the flood.


His joy is short-lived,

Unfortunately for him,

he has met his match.

— cfblack, 10-08-2016

You have to live in the south to understand the last two.


Matthew Haiku’s

October 8, 2016

Unable to sleep

steady blowing of the wind

Matthew overhead.


800 lost souls

mixed with salty ocean waves

swept up to the sky. *


Swirling with the wind

They have traveled many miles

looking for their home.


I have never heard

winds of rain and hurricane

knocking at my door.


It is hard to sleep

knowing a tree may enter

through my bedroom wall.

cfblack 10-08-2016, 4am

* More than 800 died of this hurricane in Haiti this past week. It struck me that this same wind was now above my house, still dropping rain. Some of it may have been ocean drops from Haiti.