Archive for January, 2023

rain in the forecast

January 25, 2023

When you look outside and hear the winds blow,

Just remember my hometown is getting snow,

While we have about an inch of rain,

inches of snow hits their window pane,

While not seeing the Sun makes us depressed,

the birds outside are happiest,

While they shovel, and scrape ice off their cars,

We put up umbrellas and take off in ours,

We can’t build a snow angel or snowman, or take a walk in the white fluffy stuff,

but we’re not slipping on crusty ice, and for me, that is quite ENOUGH!

a radiant countenance

January 10, 2023

to my Baha’i friends:

I have been a Baha’i for 50 years. Recently, I’ve had the realization that oftentimes, I carry stress or tension within myself, unnecessary worry that “I haven’t done enough”. Sometimes Book Ones go forward, sometimes they fail. Sometimes teaching efforts show immediate children’s classes or junior youth groups, sometimes they don’t. My thought is that we put stress upon ourselves. God doesn’t. Baha’u’llah doesn’t. The point is to strive to be a humble servant, strive to share His teachings, each and every day, in some way. You might achieve this in prayer. And be RADIANT. Be HAPPY. “I WANT YOU TO BE HAPPY, … TO LAUGH, SMILE AND REJOICE, IN ORDER THAT OTHERS MAY BE MADE HAPPY BY YOU.”~~ Abdu’l-Baha.

“The Blessed Beauty often remarked: ‘There are 4 qualities which I love to see manifested in people: First, enthusiasm and courage. Second, A FACE WREATHED IN SMILES AND A RADIANT COUNTENANCE. Third, that they may see all things with their own eyes and not through the eyes of others; fourth, the ability to carry a task, once begun, through to its end.”

How often do we convey to our friends and associates this RADIANT countenance? We are only asked to make the effort with courage and enthusiasm, the rest is up to assistance from the Supreme Concourse on high. You are HERE, making the effort. The prayer for parents, which I say every day, has these words, “…for this son (I say daughter because that’s what I am)… “for this daughter hath arisen to render Thee service, and is exerting effort at all times in the pathway of Thy love.”

It doesn’t say “and is creating devotionals, children’s classes, etc….” it says “and is exerting effort in the pathway of Thy love.”