Archive for September, 2021

September 13, 2021

Two hours into sleep

Nerves in my legs tense and twitch

Like a raging fire.

Leg lifts at midnight

Try to get these twitching legs

As tired as I am.

On Sunday night

There are no trucks on the highway

The night is still,

I listen toMy husband’s breathing

As he sleeps and dreams,

No chirping crickets

No singing birds

Or squirrels screeching,

My jumping legs

Tell me I am alive

— the silver lining,

I wonder where

All the cicadas have gone,

They weren’t as loud this year

Or here as long,

There is no rain,

No tree frog songs,

No sirens wailing,

There is only me

On a silent night

As the moon climbs high in the sky.