Archive for July, 2021

50 year reunion

July 2, 2021

I’m going to my 50-year high school reunion

traveling across 5 states,

I don’t like crowds or small talk,

my ADHD hears every conversation

like it was my own.

But I am going, for all those souls

who are with us only in spirit,

I’m going for all those too sick to go

and for those who can’t afford it,

I am going for them, to stand in the picture

and be counted

while I still can.

I am going for my husband,

because we met there,

and now we’re here, and still in love.

I’m going because high school

was not a blast,

a difficult memory,

but we all grow,

and we all change,

and I’m glad for those of us

still here.

cfblack, 7-2-2021