Archive for August, 2018

August night

August 26, 2018

Night comes

and at first, cicadas,

their droning noise grinds to a crescendo,

then dwindles away,

Evening comes,

the sun is down,

but heat of August sun


white background noise

of insect calls

a quiet pitch continues.

The air conditioning broke tonight,

awakening childhood memories

of lying in bed, unable to sleep,

windows open to the night,

uncomfortable heat keeps me awake,

a bright moon rises

for her journey

across the darkened sky,

Animal sounds,

occasional siren,

slowly sleep,

enchanted dreams.

cfblack   08-26-2018


just excuse this

August 8, 2018

These are just reminders to myself of what I can cook on the spur of the moment. I have no confidence in my cooking abilities. But I can make a few things.


Kielbasa with onion, cauliflower rice, green beans, oregano, pepper.

Boneless pork with onion & red & green peppers.


pork with peppers onion and potato

Peace Day

August 6, 2018

We make paper cranes

sing songs for peace

think of Sadako


wonder at the images

of what occurred

August 6th of ’45,

how the pilots were shocked

at what they saw

as the fire cloud rose to the sky,

100,000 lives in a flash of light

and they were the lucky ones,

People on fire, they sit in shock,

Children cry as their skin falls away,

and I like to think

after 73 years

that we have learned,

that we are better,

but I know that fear is still a tool

used by those who are drunk on power,

to create a world where we exist

apart from one another,

So it is good to gather here,

to remember and to pray,

that this horror may never show itself

on any future day,

Good to look around the room,

see others here for peace,

Good to share a moment here

for a thousand, colorful, paper cranes.

cfblack 08-06-2018

