directing your life

My oldest son recently wrote in his FB “status” that he often feels as if he is watching his own life and not acting in it. Many responded, “I know exactly what you mean, I totally get it.”  I wrote, “I don’t really get it.”

It is my belief that we each have one life. Length doesn’t matter. What we learn while here matters. For those whose life is cut so short it seems senseless, if there is a merciful God, then they will be recompensed. They will be shown all the beautiful things they needed to learn while here.

In any case, my point is this. I think we have to take responsibility for each day of our life. You’ve heard the cliche, Live each day as if it were your last. That’s basically it. Because it could be. It doesn’t mean you don’t plan, set goals, or wait to get something. It means, you live responsibly, and you enjoy the blessings you have, each & every day. You treat others w/ respect, if they deserve it, and if they don’t deserve it, leave them to themselves & pray for them. It is not for you to judge. Don’t live your life as if you are “watching it” because you are IN it. And you are the star. You are for the most part, the director. It is not that you control everything. There is much that you do not control. But only you, control your response. Your response to whatever happens to you makes all the difference. I think you should FULLY understand exactly where you are, even understand the little impact that you really have on most people. But still give. And live each day to the best of your ability. Don’t make plans for tomorrow, and expect them to come. They may not. You never know. Make plans, but realize they may never come, and that’s okay. Because you are doing the best you can, today.

In other words, make the effort, strive, appreciate, and know that’s what counts. Have few regrets. If you get the chance to do something you’ve wanted to do, DO IT, as it may not come again. Dance when the music is on, if you feel like it, because it is fun, and you love it. Tomorrow you may be unable to dance. If you want to do something you know is not good for you, or others around you, DON’T DO IT, and give up the desire. It’s not worth it.

Strive to reach your goals. But appreciate this day, today.

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