I want to tell you

I want to tell you

I want to tell you that you are loved,

I want to tell you to love yourself,

Whatever happened was not your fault,

But the fault of life itself.

Things happen.

You make plans,

Life gets in the way.

This does not mean

That you stop caring,

Or trusting, or connecting,

Or giving, or loving.

But you cannot love

In this condition,

Because your anger fills the room,

And you are afraid to really connect,


You did that once,

You gave it all,

Never looking in the rear view mirror,

Take a second look,

There are many lives

That are better for your being there,

But you cannot see through all the pain,

— the moat around your castle,

You are loved, right now,

In this very moment,

And there is one

To whom you are the world.

Your healing begins

When you see yourself

As your friends see you tonight,

A person of worth,

A person of caring,

A person loved in his own right,

One whose humor lightens their day,

One whose hands take THEIR pain away,

A bit at a time,

As much as you are able,

Because that is what you are trained to do,

It is you

Who are valued,

As a person, a friend,

As a nurse at a bedside,

And a daddy for life,

Make a turn

toward healing yourself,

Be a friend to yourself this night.

             — cfblack   05-18-2015

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