Halloween memories


Halloween is kind of a dumb holiday, or a fascinating one. I mean, what is it based on, really? Does anyone know? I think part of the reason it is so popular is that it is just fun. It’s fun to dress up, pretend we’re something other than what we are. It’s fun to play. Adults love it because they rarely take the time to play. Half the fun is dressing up your kids, finding them a new outfit every year.

When I think about it, I cannot remember one cool Halloween outfit I had as a kid. All I know is that my mom would never have made us one! They were always store-bought. And I hated the masks. I might have tried it on for pictures, but it always came off during the walk. The heck with that, you can’t SEE. Or breathe.

I can remember Halloweening in snow. It was rare, but something that happens in the north that never surprises you. It’s just part of life you know you have no control over. Kinda ruined some of the coolest Halloween outfits, but you just put a jacket on underneath the outfit…. But usually, it was just a cool, Fall evening. And I know that my parents did not go with me. We went out with our friends and walked until we were so tired we didn’t care anymore. We went as far as we could. There was always more candy just around the next corner. I think we were given limits of distance and streets, especially when we were very young.

I remember being back home and being scared of the older kids who would come to the door “late at night”.

I have better memories of walking my kids around the neighborhood, and always looking for crappy old clothes we could make an outfit out of, or sometimes going to Goodwill. I was not good at costumes. My kids were usually better at it than me, and the main thing they wanted was candy. We bought store- bought ones sometimes.

There is a funny story of our neighborhood on Perrin Ave. in Lafayette, which all my kids know very well, but I will write it. Walking up to one porch which was all decorated, there was a mummy sitting in a chair. Just as the kids would go to ring the doorbell, the mummy would come alive and say, “YOU WANT SOME CANDY??”  Turns out, it was the man of the house sitting out there. Funniest time was when his daughter came out onto the porch with a phone, “Dad it’s for you! Dad– Dad…”  The mummy then responded very irritated, “I TOLD you not to bother me!”

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