my brother’s watch

I started this blog during the week of my brother’s passing, as it helped me to sort through what I was feeling. Upon his death, I started wearing his man’s watch. I thought about all the places it had been, how many parks where he spent his days and slept, all of his struggles with life and yet the watch was still running. It comforted me somewhat, to wear it, though it did not feel like me. It felt like him. It had a crack going across the face of it. I wore it to classes teaching, and used it to always know the time, since the clocks in my college haven’t ever worked.

Just before I left for this trip to Indiana, it stopped running, somewhere around 10am one morning. Perhaps the sand and salt at the beach got into it the week before. So the watch continued one year and 3 mos. after his spirit left this world behind. And I have now thrown it away. It was time to move on.

One Response to “my brother’s watch”

  1. Leah Says:

    Wow, you threw it away? That’s powerful.

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