Faith and Boundless Love

Faith and Boundless Love

Whatever trials come to us,

They have seen it more,


No matter what we’re going through,

They have gone before,


The Holy Ones,

Those blessed Souls,

Whom Mighty God

could save from harm,


were exposed to the worst

of humanity,


Been called a name?

Degraded and scorned?

An old woman begged to throw a stone,

He said, “Do not deprive her of what she sees

as an act of God.”


Have you lost a job? Or even your home?

All the riches they owned were given to thieves,

Assiyih Khanum

selling the last of her finery,

for sugar and flour to make some bread.


Have you felt the sting of a Winter’s night?

They travelled for weeks,

unprotected from cold,

melting the ice

to quench their thirst.


All that we can imagine,

They suffered worse,

Even the loss of a beloved son,

plunging to his death,

through an open skylight,

while saying his midnight prayers,


His Father, distraught,

asked what were his son’s wishes?

To sacrifice himself,

so that others could behold his Father’s face,

now weeping by his side.


Family members rejecting

your pure-hearted care?

This too, they felt,

as one by one they turned away

from the sweet-mannered Shoghi Effendi,


Poverty, rejection,

Madness, violence,

Indescribable loss,




Imagine the blessed Bab,

Locked in the mountain fortress

of Mah-Ku,


All these They faced,

while on this earth,

And through it all, Faith!

And boundless LOVE,


God’s grace and gifts are infinite,

Whatever we face,

They went before,

With Faith and boundless Love.


CF Black, 8/25/09

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